Pay Per Click (PPC) Management & Marketing Services

Targeting the right audience for your business

We start by making sure your PPC campaigns are set up to target your potential clients where and when they are searching. Campaign parameters, geographical targeting, campaign budget, keyword selection, and ad schedule are all factors that can effect your reach.

Efficiency is the main component

We'll look at how you spend your advertising money and whether you're meeting your advertising objectives. Our PPC experts will constantly test and adapt campaigns to achieve the best outcomes, from sophisticated bidding techniques to intelligent time slot management and ever-evolving messaging

Direct working relationships with our PPC experts

Our clients have direct contact withour PPC experts experts who are in charge of their campaigns, and we encourage regular evaluations to ensure we're on track. Direct contact can be made through our Suite CRM Platform. Your digital reports, marketing or social media briefs, all delivered on schedule.

Man analyzing document at night

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    Facebook Ads Management

    Increase website traffic and brand recognition by generating leads

    Unifyd’s Facebook Ads Management service is cost-effective, scalable, and data-driven, with excellent communication as a basic feature. We specialise in utilising digital advertising to enhance your company’s client base.

    The Facebook advertising network is one of the most accountable ways for you to grow your business, and we make sure that all of your expenditures are linked to clicks, purchases, and inquiries so you can follow your success simply.

    Google Ads Management

    Google Ads is the most popular advertising platform in the world, and it’s the perfect way to find new clients. It’s also the most accountable way to grow your business since we track every penny you spend on clicks, purchases, and inquiries. Ultimately, because you only pay when a new visitor comes in, it’s the finest pound-for-pound investment you can make for your business.

    How do we begin?

    Let us know if you have an advertising account or not
    Accordingly, we optimize or set up the ads
    We inform you about their performance

    Do you need clarifications?